Подарочные сертификаты! к Новому Году!🌲🌲🌲🌲🎉 Нет времени на выбор подарка? Боитесь, что подарок придется не по вкусу? Лучший подарок это хорошее настроение и самочувствие, а оно гарантированно будет в клубе Energy-Fit !! Фитнес, тренажерный зал, персональные тренировки,солярий,массаж!! Подарите своим близким здоровый досуг!!!!!!
Год: 2016

If My Last Day of CrossFit Were Tomorrow…
Nope…I wouldn’t take part in anything like CrossFit endurance training. If tomorrow were my last day on this earth, I wouldn’t want to end my life with one of the regular intense CrossFit workouts. A third situation includes few factors that can make intensity prescriptions obscure as well. Like when you stumble into specific exercises…

Restoring Strength and Getting Back to CrossFit After Pregnancy
I’ve been doing athletic stuff my whole adult life. That is how I define myself. So when I gotten pregnant last year, I was having a hard time dealing with my body transformations. Though I guess it’s been incredible to observe. those changes Just like every..

Is Your Power of Will Strong and Determined Enough?
The power of will is what CrossFit’s all about. No time, no determination, no will? Than there will be no progress as well… But, when you become unwilling to get to the next level of your fitness training program, you just cut off all the incredible growth…
Are Wrist Wraps Useless and Redundant?
This spring, my good old friend sponsored by ManimalWear gave me a pair of these wrist wraps. I’ll admit that I never had the slightest idea why and more importantly how anyone would be using these. So until my GYM buddy told me the secret, I’ve…

The Heavy Weight of Olympics: Heavy and Power Lifting for the Pros
This spring, my good old friend sponsored by ManimalWear gave me a pair of these wrist wraps. I’ll admit that I never had the slightest idea why and more importantly how anyone would be using these. So until my GYM buddy told me the secret, I’ve…

The Heavy Weight of Olympics: Heavy and Power Lifting for the Pros
This spring, my good old friend sponsored by ManimalWear gave me a pair of these wrist wraps. I’ll admit that I never had the slightest idea why and more importantly how anyone would be using these. So until my GYM buddy told me the secret, I’ve…

Are Wrist Wraps Useless and Redundant?
This spring, my good old friend sponsored by ManimalWear gave me a pair of these wrist wraps. I’ll admit that I never had the slightest idea why and more importantly how anyone would be using these. So until my GYM buddy told me the secret, I’ve…

Image Format
This spring, my good old friend sponsored by ManimalWear gave me a pair of these wrist wraps. I’ll admit that I never had the slightest idea why and more importantly how anyone would be using these. So until my GYM buddy told me the secret, I’ve…
Gallery Format
This spring, my good old friend sponsored by ManimalWear gave me a pair of these wrist wraps. I’ll admit that I never had the slightest idea why and more importantly how anyone would be using these. So until my GYM buddy told me the secret, I’ve…
Video Format
This spring, my good old friend sponsored by ManimalWear gave me a pair of these wrist wraps. I’ll admit that I never had the slightest idea why and more importantly how anyone would be using these. So until my GYM buddy told me the secret, I’ve…

Link Format
This spring, my good old friend sponsored by ManimalWear gave me a pair of these wrist wraps. I’ll admit that I never had the slightest idea why and more importantly how anyone would be using these. So until my GYM buddy told me the secret, I’ve…
Quote Format
"Or your coach may be the one who prefers you to go by feel, rather than using any prescription workout weights and intensities."Samuel Hamilton
This spring, my good old friend sponsored by ManimalWear gave me a pair of these wrist wraps. I’ll admit that I never had the slightest idea why and more importantly how anyone would be using these. So until my GYM buddy told me the secret, I’ve…

Aside Format
This spring, my good old friend sponsored by ManimalWear gave me a pair of these wrist wraps. I’ll admit that I never had the slightest idea why and more importantly how anyone would be using these. So until my GYM buddy told me the secret, I’ve…
Status Format
This spring, my good old friend sponsored by ManimalWear gave me a pair of these wrist wraps. I’ll admit that I never had the slightest idea why and more importantly how anyone would be using these. So until my GYM buddy told me the secret, I’ve…
Петли TRX – это не просто многофункциональный тренажер, это – полноценная тренировочная система. Высокая эффективность любых типов тренировок: кардио и силовых, групповых и индивидуальных, на мышцы-стабилизаторы и растягивания, специализированных для разнообразных видов спорта и так далее. В любом упражнении тренируются мышцы-стабилизаторы и используется все тело, что делает такие тренировки по-настоящему функциональными Свобода тренировок с использованием…